Sunday, June 23, 2013

Information Systems Research Methodologies - Case Study

It is quite important to choose the right research methodologies for your research project. It is just like a bridge link your doubt to novel finding through different way. Therefore, it is significant to know which one is more suitable for the specific questions.

This post is going to introduce " Case Study Research: Design and Methods" 
Authors: Robert K. Yin Book Name: Case Study Research: Design and Methods: 5 (Applied Social Research Methods) [Kindle Edition] 

This book is about the design and conduct of case studies for research purposes. This is one of the best books to introduce case study research regarding the design and methods. It has been published for the 5th edition. It is a good starting for a new researcher, lecture, research student or whom are interest in case study. 

Here is my brief summary of the reading this book, and hope it is helpful for the people who stopping and reading this post :)
 1. when to choose "Case Study" as a research strategy or method? 
 - This case study strategy is most likely to be appropriate for "how " and "why" questions, so your initial task is to clarify precisely the nature of your study questions in this regard. 
 2. Components of Research Design
 - a study's question - its propositions, if any - its units(s) of logic 
- the logic linking the data to the propositions, and - the criteria for interpreting the finds
 3. Case Study Design
 - single-case study: there are two types"holistic designs" and " embedded units designs". Overall the single-case design is eminently justifiable under certain conditions, where the case is rare or unique event, or where the case serves a revelatory purpose. 
- multiple case study: a major insight is to consider multiple cases as one would consider multiple experiments, that is to follow a "replication" logic. 

As for the more details, please take a look at the book, and it is a handy book for researchers.
here is the kindle version. 
Personally I like the paper book, you also can get from here.

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